My sleep schedule is thrown out of wack. I went to bed last night at 11 pm and woke up at 1 am. I then went to studio where I worked until I had to go to Spanish. I haven't actually done any progress on my project because I have been fighting the "technical" battle. I am having difficulty with my computer and with always.
A week ago was the first time I ever used Illustrator and InDesign and I just started using ArchiCad on Monday. I have my project done in ArchiCad, we have a presentaion template in InDesign, and using Illustrator is similar to PhotoShop. I would be fine if I were learning the three programs at separate times, but learning them at all the same time, with such strenuous work loads and demanding time limits, makes things difficult.
This is the time when studio becomes personified and you start thinking abuot the best ways to terminate its life.
After Spanish, I laid down for an hour and then took a shower. I made a tuna sandwich to go and got to studio right at 4 00, the time our jury was supposed to start. All of our watches were off by an hour, we didn't start until 5 00. There were mini sandwiches and chocolate eggs, so I didn't complain. I was too tired to complain anyways.
We all went out to dinner afterwards (I am not sure if we went out to celebrate the jury or because Dave Shove is in town for a couple days) (Dave is the studio crit who is running the Rome program right now). We went to a Mexican restaurant in Gracia. Still not a huge fan of Mexican food.