Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
Soy de Buffalo. Asisto la Universidad Católica de América en Washington, DC. Estudio la arquitectura. Estudio en Barcelona este semestre.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Barcelona Pavilion and Poble Espanol

Spanish class in the morning was, well, not too exciting. But for history we met at the Barcelona Pavilion. We met a man there we had never met nor seen before. He was a friend of Professor Vidal and gave us a tour of the Pavilion. He was in charge of the reconstruction of it in the 1980s. It was amazing to listen to him tell us about building it and all the details about the design and structure. It is a very small and simple structure, but people seem to enjoy walking through it. I like simplicity and calm buildings. This one made the cut.
Gisela, Tom, and I walked to Poble Espanol, which was another area that was built during the 1929 Exposition. It is a small village setup that has examples of typical architecture from all the regions of Spain. It is pretty much a crash course in Spanish architecture and culture. We got an audio guided tour so that we could hear about what we were looking at. It was interesting how they had all these different, but related, styles of architecture lined up beside each other. It was enough to give you a small taste of all the architecture in a country with such a variety.

Tom and I stopped at studio on the way back and picked up our sketchbooks for our field trip. We all met at the apartment and Mike, who spent the day in Girona, took Team Aldana out to dinner. The places he had in mind in Barceloneta were either packed (which meant they were good) or closed (which meant they weren’t so good). We ended up going to a seafood restaurant (on the sea) and ordered different types of, well, seafood. It was tasty and filling (the perfect combination).

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