Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
Soy de Buffalo. Asisto la Universidad Católica de América en Washington, DC. Estudio la arquitectura. Estudio en Barcelona este semestre.

Monday, March 5, 2007

run to the sea

Today was a pretty relaxed day. It felt good after traveling so much for 10 days. I didn't mean to stay up so late last night, but I figured I should call my parents. Plus I feel like the later it gets, the harder it is for me to go to sleep. I think studio trained me to be that way.

Well, I woke up this morning at 9 30, and just took the morning slow. I sent a few emails and worked on my blog a little bit. I split a load of laundry with Tom, took a swig of orange juice, and then laced up my running shoes and hit the pavement. I ran down to the ocean (which I have been meaning to do for some time now). It felt good to finally go for a solid run. My legs needed to be stretched out a little bit. When I made it to the waterfront, I ran down the boardwalk for a ways. There was a lot of construction and renovation type stuff going on at the beach. They must be getting ready for all the tourists. There were fences up along the beach and a bunch of construction guys wandering around.

I stopped running when I got to the Port Olimpic. There are 2 tall towers there and some other interesting buildings. There is also a famous fish sculpture down there which a lot of people are interested in. I took off my shoes and socks and waded out into the water. The water was a little cold, but I went out really, really far. I went so far into the sea that when I looked down, my feet were completely covered! Alright, so I didn't go in too far. I just wanted to be able to say that I was in el Mar Mediterrania. Well, I chilled out in the water a little bit, and then walked around in the sand until my feet dried off. I stuck my little zapatos back on my feet and then ran back down the boardwalk.

When I was waiting to cross the street near the tall Columbus statue, a man walked up to me and asked me for directions in Spanish to the Picasso Museum. I wasn't exactly sure where it was and then I said too myself, but out loud, "I wish I had a map." Then he said, "O, thank God you speak English." Then he pulled out his map and I pointed him in the right direction. I guess I look Spanish when I run down the street.

I got back to the apartment and showered. I hung up my clothes from the washing machine on our drying lines out our window and then headed off to studio. I worked on my blog more at studio, updating it from our wild German adventures.

We got our new assignments for the next phase in our studio project. This phase is all individual work so it will hopefully go a little smoother than the group projects. The group projects turned out all right but we disagreed quite a bit. It all worked out though, I guess, in the end.

We stayed in studio kind of late just working on our blog. I caught up on a lot of my emails to people. It feels good to contact people. My friend Ben from high school is in northern Spain and we are trying to figure out a way where we can see each other. I don't know if we will be able to, but I really want to. I'm going to miss him by a couple days in London I think. Hopefully I will be able to meet up with him sometime.

We came back to Aldana and Meg made some delicious French toast, eggs, and sausage for Tom and me for dinner. It really hit the spot. We watched a slide show of pictures from Germany before we went to bed. It is hard to believe that we did so much in so short a time over spring break.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This post is so help to me! Thanks for share.